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Roof Restoration

restoration & replacement

commercial roofing

Roof restoration is a viable, cost-effective alternative to a conventional full roof replacement. In the right situation it can be more economical, more environmentally friendly, quicker to accomplish, and less disruptive to business operations.

What is roof restoration?

Roof restoration is accomplished by cleaning a roof, removing or repairing any damaged areas and then, recoating it with a liquified polymer coating such as silicone, acrylic or polyurethane. Other types of coatings are available, but these are typically the ones we recommend.

These roof coatings are unique in that they create a unified, seamless waterproof membrane across the entire field of the roof and up the walls. The membrane conforms to all irregular surfaces and seals up all the cracks and crevasses. Once the membrane is installed, the roof has what is essentially a custom-fit, waterproof, elastic glove.

What types of roofs can be restored with roof coatings?

Metal roofs, single-ply membrane roofs like TPO, PVC or EPDM roofs, asphalt roofs, (Build-Up-Roofs and Modified Bitumen Roofs), even bare cement roofs can all be great candidates for a coating system restoration. Coatings are well suited to restoring aging, failing membranes, but there are certain roofs and roof conditions for which they are not appropriate.

What types of roofs cannot be restored with roof coatings?

Coatings are not suited for ballasted roofs, (roofs held in place with rock or pavers). If the ballast can be permanently removed, coating the underlying membrane may be an option. Also, coatings should not be applied in situations where there are underlying structural issues, or when roof decking is rusted or rotten. These defects must be remediated prior to restoration.

The factor that most often determines if restoration is a viable option is the percentage of total roof area that is moisture-contaminated. If a small percentage of the roof is wet, restoration can make financial sense, and we can conduct an infrared moisture survey to map and then surgically remediate those areas.

If a larger percentage of the roof is wet, other remediation options are available, but they are more involved and more expensive. At a certain point, a full roof replacement becomes a better financial option. 

What are the benefits of a Roof Restoration when compared with a full Roof Replacement?

Coating your existing roof allows you to extend the life of your current roof system without replacing components that are still serviceable.  It brings your roof back to a completely watertight condition with less vulnerabilities and potential water entry points than it had when it was new. Why send perfectly good insulation to the landfill, and then spend money to replace it with more of the same?

Coating your existing roof is a less expensive. It costs less to coat a roof than to tear off existing materials and re-roof.  Coatings are less expensive to maintain and repair, have a better return on investment. They can be expensed as a repair, as opposed to a full roof replacement which may have to be capitalized.

Roof Coatings offer a fully-warranted, life-of-building solution. Depending on the coating thickness and the manufacturer, you can get a 10, 15, or 20-year warranty that does not require another roof replacement when it expires. You simply clean the roof surface and recoat it to get another 10, 15, or 20 years of serviceability.

Synthetic Roof Coatings are the most green, sustainable, renewable, environmentally-friendly, commercially viable roofing solutions on the planet.  Old roofing materials stay out of the landfill. During installation, very little if anything off-gasses into the atmosphere. The highly reflective roof surfaces stay cooler, reduce energy footprints, and the coatings can be renewed in perpetuity.

There are a wide range of coatings to choose from, and different coating technologies are available for a wide range of roof environments. Some coatings perform better over rusted metal. Some are more suited for ponding water situations. Some work better in higher traffic areas and some hold up better under exposure to harsh chemicals. Coatings can be selected based on properties related to UV resistance, permeance, dirt resistance, water resistance or abrasion resistance.